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Forensic Science (Session 1 & 2)

Upcoming dates (2)

For registration assistance: 608-890-3260


Do you like a good mystery? Are you always first to figure out who did it and how they did it when you watch a movie or read a book? Here is your chance to become part of a team of forensic investigators. You will collect and analyze evidence from crime scenes, and use logical thought processes and scientific inquiry skills to interpret evidence and explain crimes. This is a laboratory-based course with class lab work, demonstrations, research, reading and class discussion. You will learn to interpret physical and biological evidence, such as fingerprinting, hair and fiber analysis, impression analysis, blood and DNA analysis, forensic entomology and anthropology. You will evaluate your comprehension and progress, apply your evidence analysis knowledge and work collaboratively to solve major crimes.

Student profile

Please note that we will be offering a Forensic Science course in each session of STEP. Each Forensic Science course can be taken individually or in combination with each other as these two courses will explore different material, concepts, evidence, labs and case studies. Students considering participating in both sessions of STEP could take Forensic Science courses both weeks to have more in-depth exposure and time working on their skills related to Forensic Science.

Important dates

Application deadlines

Application opens: Jan. 13, 2025
Deadline: Apply by May 1, 2025

Tuition deadlines

The first half of tuition is due by May 15, 2025. The second half of tuition is due by June 1, 2025.

Upcoming dates (2)

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Program Questions?

Contact Kate Ryan at [email protected]

Badger Precollege Program Overview