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Precollege learning partners

Collaborate with us

Badger Precollege is your partner in K-12 education. We believe this means collaborating with you to offer students transformative learning experiences and resources in their academic and college preparation journey. Our staff represent all facets of K-12 education, including international studies and the academic arts, and can offer workshops, music clinics, informational booths or even virtual options to you and your students.

The dome of the Wisconsin State Capitol is seen in a view looking up State Street from Library Mall at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in autumn.

Impactful partnerships

Here are other campus and community organizations that offer support, advocacy and services to students.

Career Exploration Center

The CEC at UW–Madison supports students who are undecided about their education and/or career and want to explore different options based on their interests, skills and passions through individual appointments, group workshops and events, a career library and other student outreach.

Center for Advanced Academics

The Center for Advanced Academics (CAA) is the home for the Online Academy and Project A programs, which provide challenging curriculum for advanced learners throughout Wisconsin.

Division of Enrollment Management

The Division of Enrollment Management supports student recruitment and outreach and provides workshops and information for Badger Precollege students.

Greater Dane County Advanced Learner Network

GDCALN is a nonprofit organization serving 35–40 schools in the Greater Dane County area. The organization holds five annual meetings, affording the opportunity for educators to collaborate, review and plan for each school year — working in cooperation with organizations such as The Wisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted, Badger Precollege and the UW School of Education.

Madison Metropolitan School District

The MMSD supports outreach efforts to provide students with information about Badger Precollege program and scholarship opportunities.

Mead Witter School of Music

The UW–Madison Mead Witter School of Music is a key partner for Badger Precollege, supporting Summer Music Clinic Junior and Senior sessions and the UW tuition waiver program.

National Association for Gifted Children

For over 50 years, the NAGC has worked to increase public awareness surrounding the unique needs of the estimated 3 million gifted students in the United States today. The 8,000+ members of NAGC work on behalf of these students and invest all of their resources into training teachers, encouraging parents and educating policymakers and administrators on how to develop and support gifted children.

Northwestern Center for Talent Development

The central goals for Northwestern University’s CTD are talent identification, talent development, research and advocacy. The CTD provides a vast array of advanced and gifted programs for academically talented students.

Northwestern University’s Midwest Academic Talent Search (NUMATS) offers assessment and targeted resources to help gifted students in the Midwest reach their full potential, including the EXPLORE test for grades 3–6 and the ACT or SAT for students in grades 7–9. NUMATS provides the tools necessary for parents and teachers to help gifted students find a path from high potential to exceptional achievement.

Office of Student Financial Aid

The UW-Madison Office of Financial Aid provides guidance and workshops for Badger Precollege students enrolled in our programs.

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) is dedicated to fostering environments where gifted adults and children, in all their diversity, understand and accept themselves and are, in turn, understood, valued, nurtured and supported by their families, schools, workplaces and communities. The SENG Model Parent Group of Madison is a group of parents who are concerned with the welfare of gifted children and work with facilitators to create a parent community through discussion.

UW-Madison School of Education

The UW–Madison School of Education provides support for courses in the Badger Precollege Senior and Junior programs.

Wisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted

The WATG is a nonprofit organization of parents, students, educators, business and industry personnel and other interested persons dedicated to fostering a climate in the home, school and community that allows each individual to reach their own unique potential. WATG’s mission is to provide assistance in meeting the varied needs of gifted and talented individuals and their advocates.